Der Neue Mensch – Die Neue Welt: Catalog

Der Neue Men­sch, Die Neue Welt, cata­log and post­cards, 2017 | Photo: Brian Bixby
Bau­haus­EINS stu­dio, pain­tings by Maria Suckert, 2017 | Photo: Tobias Alex
Chris­toph Bal­duin Strop­pel in the Bau­haus­EINS stu­dio, 2017 | Photo: Tobias Alex
Brian Bixby in the Bau­haus­EINS stu­dio, 2017 | Photo: Tobias Alex
Bau­haus­EINS stu­dio, pain­tings by Brian Bixby, 2016 | Photo: Robert Sonnenschein
Bau­haus­EINS stu­dio, pain­ting by Maria Suckert, 2017 | Photo: Mar­tin Melcher

Bau­haus­EINS has recei­ved sup­port from the Minis­te­rium für Umwelt, Ener­gie und Natur­schutz to publish a limi­ted edi­tion book fea­turing images of the artist stu­dios at Bau­hau­straße 1, and reflec­tions on the influence of the Bau­haus as we prepare for the 100 year anniversary.

The cata­log “Der Neue Mensch, Die Neue Welt” explo­res the influence of the Bau­haus from the per­spec­tive of an artist and a cura­tor as well as offe­ring per­spec­ti­ves on future deve­lo­p­ments and new models as we look towards the next cen­tury and what role artists and the Bau­haus will play.

Brian Bixby (USA), Chris­toph Bal­duin Strop­pel (Ger­many), Maria Suckert (Ger­many).

Pho­to­gra­phy from;
Tobias Alex, Brian Bixby, Mar­tin Mel­cher, Robert Son­nen­schein, Maria Suckert.

Essays from;
Lance Fung, chief cura­tor for FC Pro­jects and Fung Collaboratives.

Fung has cura­ted inter­na­tio­nally reco­gni­zed exhi­bi­ti­ons such as The Snow Show in 2003, 2004 and 2006 where he part­ne­red artists with archi­tects to col­la­bo­rate and rea­lize ama­zing struc­tures made pri­ma­rily from snow and ice. He has crea­ted other important exhi­bi­ti­ons such as Lucky Num­ber Seven: SITE Santa Fe Inter­na­tio­nal Bien­nial, in New Mexico, USARevi­si­ting Gor­don Matta-Clark at Next: The Venice Archi­tec­tu­ral Bien­nale in Venice, Italy; The Snow Show: Venice at the 50th Inter­na­tio­nal Art Exhibition/La Bien­nale di Vene­zia; The Ship of Tole­rance by Ilya and Emi­lia Kaba­kov, in Siwa, Egypt; Dreams and Conflicts–The Viewer’s Dic­ta­tor­ship, in Venice, Italy; Crossing Par­al­lels at the SSamzi Space in Seoul, Korea and Going Home at the Edward Hop­per His­to­ri­cal Museum in Nyack, New York.

Claire Waf­fel, artist.
Claire Waf­fel was born in Lüden­scheid, Ger­many. She stu­died media stu­dies in Nor­wich, per­for­mance in Mont­pel­lier and pho­to­gra­phy in Lon­don. Waffel’s works include video, instal­la­ti­ons, pho­to­gra­phy, col­lage and archi­tec­ture. Often her pro­jects revolve around tem­po­ral and spa­tial struc­tures and their role in people’s lives, as well as con­nec­tions bet­ween land­scape, archi­tec­ture and ideo­logy. From 2015–2016 she worked as an Artis­tic Asso­ciate to the Master’s degree pro­gramme „Kunst im öffent­li­chen Raum und neue künst­le­ri­sche Strategien/Public Art and New Artis­tic Stra­te­gies“ at the Bau­haus-Uni­ver­si­tät in Weimar.